What We Do
Commercial Cleaning
Cleaning Systems and Equipment Supply
Retail, Shopping Centre Cleaning + Food Court and Custodial Services
Carpet and Fabric Cleaning
Facility Consumable Systems and Product Supply and Sanitation Supply
Cleaning Hospital and Healthcare Facilities
Personnel and
Covid-19 Advice and Hygienic Cleaning practices to prevent possible viral spread
*Not all NZ Cleaning Coop members perform licensed security service

Covid-19 Cleaning Requirements and Information
This information outlines ongoing cleaning expectations for businesses and education centres at Alert Level 1. The virus that causes COVID-19 will be killed by thorough cleaning and disinfection practices. Any surfaces that are frequently touched should be prioritised for cleaning, such as door handles, handrails, light switches, horizontal surfaces such as counter tops and tables, EFTPOS machines, touch screens, taps, sinks and toilets.
COVID-19 is spread by droplets and contact with surfaces that infectious droplets have landed on. This means that when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, they may generate droplets containing the virus. These droplets are too large to stay in the air for long, so they quickly settle on surrounding surfaces.
COVID-19 can survive on different surfaces for different lengths of time. The exact time is dependent on the surface, temperature, and humidity but studies have shown that the COVID-19 virus can survive for up to 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel, less than 4 hours on copper and less than 24 hours on cardboard
Source: Ministry of Health